I look forward to it, fingers crossed! & no, I'm just a simple girl from the internet..! I must bow to you and your awesomeness! I mean, look at your icon..! I don't really get it but your choices of icons are great! x3
I wish you were my SS, so this could be my gift! I love Summer Wars and King Kazma, so automatic love~ & no, you don't have to bow saefnownalcnlkl Wouldn't this mean I should be bowing to you for the same reasons? X3
Thank you for this!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/31/12 | Reply
I look forward to it, fingers crossed! & no, I'm just a simple girl from the internet..! I must bow to you and your awesomeness! I mean, look at your icon..! I don't really get it but your choices of icons are great! x3
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/30/12 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
If I became your SS I will definitely make you another card or icon and no no no, I bow because of your awesomeness! you deserve it *bows*
Last edited by BabyD at 3:51:22 PM EST on February 16, 2013.
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/30/12 | Reply
I wish you were my SS, so this could be my gift! I love Summer Wars and King Kazma, so automatic love~ & no, you don't have to bow saefnownalcnlkl Wouldn't this mean I should be bowing to you for the same reasons? X3
Thank you for this!